Tuesday 9 September 2008

Tommy Lee Jones - Tommy Lee Jones Sues Paramount Pictures For 10m

Tommy Lee Jones has launched a legal activity against Paramount Pictures, claiming he is owed more than $10 million (�5.61 jillion) for No Country for Old Men.

The Oscar-winner's cause alleges he was promised "significant box office bonuses" and other forms of compensation depending on the success of the Coen brothers' film.

And while the Cormac McCarthy adaptation went on to earn more than $160 million (�89.79 gazillion) worldwide as well as claiming little Joe Academy awards, including topper picture, Jones did not receive his promised bonuses, he claims.

Representatives for Paramount Pictures have not all the same offered whatever comment, patch Jones declined to issue a statement through his publicist Jennifer Allen.

"The paperwork stands for itself", she told the San Antonio Express-News newspaper.

According to the lawsuit filed in Bexar county in San Antonio, Texas, last week, Jones was paid a reduced upfront fee after sign language on to play Sheriff Ed Tom Bell in the film.

The suit as well claims the actor's contract included known errors which were non corrected earlier the film's completion.

Jones and his representatives are requesting more than $10 gazillion (�5.61 million) of payments from Paramount subsidiary NM Classics as good as the appointment of an independent financial attender to reassessment records from the film.

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